US telecoms group wants to offer an alternative to Google and Facebook but some are sceptical
US telecoms group wants to offer an alternative to Google and Facebook but some are sceptical
Several mobile operators plan to block advertising on their networks, setting the stage for a battle with digital media companies such as Google, AOL and Yahoo
It’s less than a day after the news that the telecommunications giant Verizon is buying AOL for $4.4 billion rocked the tech and publishing industries, so it’s no surprise that there are still unanswered questions about the deal. Not least among those questions is what will happen to AOL’s digital publishing efforts like Huffington Post […]
AOL UK on Tuesday announced that it will put 100% of its reserved inventory from all its owned and operated sites into AOL’s demand-side platform (DSP), including UK inventory from AOL, The Huffington Post, Engadget, TechCrunch, Parentdish and MyDaily. For the full story read MediaPost
AOL shares tumbled more than 20 per cent after the internet company missed first-quarter earnings expectations, spooking investors on its long-term turnround plans
AOL added yet another arrow to its ad-tech quiver Tuesday, snatching up attribution modeling company Convertro for approximately $101 million, the company announced
Endemol has announced a €30m (£25m) investment in a stable of local and international digital video channels on platforms including YouTube, Yahoo and AOL