Brussels will take a step towards adjusting its arcane VAT rules to the digital age by allowing reduced rates of tax on ebooks
Brussels will take a step towards adjusting its arcane VAT rules to the digital age by allowing reduced rates of tax on ebooks
Sales of printed books have grown for the first time in four years, lifted by the adult colouring book craze and 150th anniversary of Alice in Wonderland, as ebooks suffered their first ever decline
Amazon’s dispute with Hachette could have consequences none of us ever dreamed of
TechCrunch has learned that Apple has made another acquisition, one that it is using to boost its e-books effort and “beat Amazon at its own game.” It has bought BookLamp
A new site called Tom Kabinet sells secondhand ebooks. Publishers say this is illegal, and with a deadline passing on Friday the case looks set to go to court.
Consumer ebook market set to almost triple over next four years while PwC predicts sales of printed editions will fall
HarperCollins, one of the world-leading “big 5” publishers, recently announced that they will begin selling eBooks direct to consumers