Can Time Out become a new media model?


No media business is even close to where it wants to be. Traditional companies struggle to hang on to print cashflows while competing with digital newbies which have all the flair but no sustainable profits. Young, digital-only, low-cost, small-team insurgents are fighting the unfair fight with the beasts of media pre-history. One business model is broken and the other is unproven. And neither side has all the pieces of the jigsaw: they need each other.
That is also why magazine people everywhere will be watching Time Out, London-based publisher of the legendary entertainment listings magazine. It could become another perfect case study.That is why newspapers everywhere are watching Jeff Bezos’s Washington Post so closely. It’s the perfect case study: a strong newspaper brand with a fearless, techxpert proprietor – and deep pockets.

For the full story read Flashes&Flames