Lachlan Murdoch, Rupert Murdoch’s eldest son, has returned to his father’s side as non-executive co-chairman of 21st Century Fox and News Corp, nearly a decade after he turned his back on the family empire
Lachlan Murdoch, Rupert Murdoch’s eldest son, has returned to his father’s side as non-executive co-chairman of 21st Century Fox and News Corp, nearly a decade after he turned his back on the family empire
Pat McGovern, a visionary in the IT publishing industry who founded the International Data Group, died on Wednesday at the age of 76 For the full story click SD Times
Hugh Scrimgeour will become an Executive Director of the Group on 5 March 2014 and Executive Chairman of Tarsus China whilst David Gilbertson will join the Board of Directors of Tarsus as a Non-executive Director
With his appointment as President and Chief Executive Officer of McGraw-Hill Education in New York, David’s departure from UBM will be effective as of 1 March 2014
Peter Rigby is one of the great survivors among European media company chiefs. He became CEO of what is now Informa Plc in 1989, the year when: Tim Berners-Lee invented the world wide web, Time Inc merged with Warner Brothers, and Alan Bond’s media-to-brewing group became Australia’s largest ever bankruptcy. It was also the year […]