Telegraph takes cues from Apple News

TelegraphThe publisher has replaced its metered model in favour of a partial paywall– Telegraph Premium – which constitutes 20% of its content. The remaining 80% of content on site is completely free. Robert Bridge, chief customer officer at the Telegraph, said the premise of Premium is not just a subscription strategy but an overall digital strategy to unlock an open layer that lives both on its owned properties and on third party platforms.

The idea is to use the open layer to drive more people to site. It hopes to triple the number of subscribers it has on the Premium product by the end of 2017. Those users are then segmented via the Telegraph’s data segmentation technology, to understand the level of engagement of users around the content, level of frequency of consumption, volume of consumption. If a user has moved from light usage to heavy usage on site, then the publisher will send messaging to migrate those users into Premium subscribers.

For the full story read The Drum